Mere Exposure Effect

Rashi Goel
2 min readApr 10, 2021
Photo by Maksim Goncharenok from Pexels

I am fascinated by how much of our thoughts and actions are a result of our unconscious wiring. One such wiring is possibly responsible for the very existence of the media industry.

The Mere Exposure Effect is a proven psychological phenomenon that — “Frequent and repeated exposure to anything, increases its likability”.

Data from the original Robert Zajonc’s ‘mere exposure’ experiment — shows an increase in positive feelings towards even meaningless words & symbols with increased exposure.

number of repetitive exposures even to meaningless words increase likability for those words
Robert Zajonc’s Experiment

#1 Implication for Brands:Even ‘average’ ads can become likeable if media frequency is increased.
Got an ad that communicates the right things about your brand and product, but is average? Don’t worry. Just increase media frequency.

#2 Implication for Tight Budget Brands: focus on a narrow audience, but increase media frequency.

#3 Implication for Marketers: If you are dealing with a difficult stakeholder, increase frequency of your interactions. Even benign interactions done regularly, eg. saying good morning everyday, will increase your likability.

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Rashi Goel

Marketing leader, consultant, writer. Writes about category of one strategies of businesses in India and marketing mastery.